Project Management - Heathcare
EMR Implementation and Integration
EMR Implementation and Integration
We have
- worked with physicians in the Fraser Valley to implement a unique Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Integrator, never used in British Columbia before, that allows real-time sharing of accurate health care information across multiple clinics hosting stand-alone EMRs. The Integrator server synchronizes health care record views from consenting patients between primary care family practice clinics and the team of allied health providers supporting the care of those patients. This work involved leading physicians and technical staff through a Pilot, completing two Privacy Impact Assessments and going live on production systems hosting clinical data.
- assisted BC physicians, electronic medical record (EMR) service providers, and developers through strategic project management support at OSCAR EMR
- implemented EMR systems in First Nations health clinics in northern British Columbia
- Our founder worked with hundreds of physicians and specialists to assist them in implementing clinic EMR while he led a change management team in Vancouver with the Physician Information Technology Office (PITO), an initiative that was funded by the Ministry of Health and sponsored by the BC Medical Association.