About Us

Who we are

We are a growing company of staff and business associates to provide cutting-edge expertise in privacy, cybersecurity and professional project management into services focused on Canadian health care. 

We have insight into the fundamental changes in technology that has transformed information management in medical, dental and allied health care clinics into Internet connected systems with highly confidential data.  

Changes that affect you.

We are excited to share what we have done for some of our clients. See below.

Founder, CEO

We have performed major on-site audits on companies required to meet British Columbia province-wide privacy and data security health authority requirements. to protect patient information.

Other work has included performing an internal privacy and security review for a major healthcare professional College charged with handling confidential legal and healthcare information on behalf of patients and their members in BC.

We have performed a comprehensive audit of an IT department for a growing financial management company with twelve branch offices across western Canada. Another project incluced auditing key IT-related business processes at a major department in a university located in Eastern Canada.

These confidential internal reviews have proven to be invaluable to these clients.

A recent involved working closely with physicians in the Fraser Valley to implement a unique Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Integrator. Never used in British Columbia before, the Integrator server allows real-time sharing of accurate health care information across multiple clinics hosting stand-alone EMRs.

Among many other projects, CTS managed the deployment of the first multi-University eduroam project to authenticate users on wireless networks at participating sites across BC.

We also provided planning and resource coordination for a PeopleSoft implementation project at a mid-Western US university. This was a complex project, involving tracking of over three thousand tasks.

Among many other projects, we have served as technical adviser for the provincial Telestroke project, designed to make possible remote diagnosis and bedside treatment of stroke patients. This project linked two regional hospital emergency wards to neurologists located in Vancouver, using advanced video conference and imaging technology.

In another project, CTS developed a multi-university disaster recover plan for administrative systems.

Stan Shaw is a results-oriented IT project management professional with expertise in healthcare technology, privacy and data security.

In recent years, he has conducted multiple privacy and security audits and privacy impact assessments with some of the leading privacy experts in BC. Prior to this, he led a team at the Physician Information Technology Office (PITO) that achieved 89% EMR adoption over 1,500 physicians across Vancouver.

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